Partin Settlement Road Drainage Ponds Design

Project Overview
- Client: Osceola County
- Location: Kissimmee, Osceola County, Florida
- Markets: Transportation
- Services: Civil Engineering
Project Summary
KPM Franklin is providing drainage analysis, drainage plans and utilities coordination services for the widening and reconstruction of the existing two-lane Partin Settlement Road to a four-lane divided roadway from Neptune Road (County Road 525) to Lakeshore Boulevard for a distance of approximately 2.7 miles. KPM Franklin also is providing civil engineering services for the expansion of two existing drainage ponds and construction of two new ponds, including stormwater drainage system, roadside ditch, stormwater pond and stormwater pipe design. The stormwater drainage system includes Partin Settlement Road, Cross Prairie Parkway and Neptune Road. Osceola County is managing the project design which adheres to all applicable federal, state and county regulations. The project also includes collaboration with FDOT’s Florida’s Turnpike Enterprise widening and express lane construction project.
Scope of work includes civil engineering design, drainage, analysis, drainage plans and utilities coordination.