
National Moon Day with KPM Franklin’s CEO Robby Moon

Happy National Moon Day! In the spirit of this celestial celebration, please enjoy some fun facts about Earth’s moon and get to know a thing or two about KPM Franklin’s CEO, Robby Moon.

5 Facts about the Moon:

  1. The Moon always shows Earth the same face
  2. The Moon moves approximately 3.8 cm away from Earth every year.
  3. The Moon has quakes, that are fittingly called “moonquakes” that are caused by Earth’s gravitational influence.
  4. There is water on the moon that is frozen and trapped inside minerals within the surface.
  5. The Moon is larger than Pluto and has a diameter of 2,159 miles

Get to know KPM Franklin’s CEO with a few facts about Robby Moon

What did you want to be when you grew up?

I didn’t really know, but thought I wanted to do something with mechanics and computers.

What is your education background?

I received my Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering from University of North Florida. I was one of three of the first graduates of the new program.

What inspired you to go into the engineering field?

Initially, I chose mechanical engineering, hoping to combine my enjoyment of mechanics and computers.

Why did you select civil engineering specifically?

UNF wasn’t adding mechanical engineering for a few years, so I decided to start in civil, which was a brand-new program they were starting, thinking I would transfer into mechanical later. Then the summer prior to the program, a friend of my father asked what I was doing for the summer, to which I said nothing. He worked with a civil engineering firm and asked me to come have lunch. I immediately started as a civil drafter.  Something clicked with civil, and I decided to stick with the field.

What are some of the highlights of your career as an engineer?

Working for local theme parks, knowing your project will be visited by millions of people a year.

What is your favorite thing about living in Central Florida?

Endless entertainment options, whether that be hospitality or nature. Plus, with family located in north, west and south Florida, being in Central Florida is very accessible everyone.

What is your hope for the future of KPM Franklin?

Growth and expansion, giving room and opportunities to staff for advance in their career.

What excites you the most about this industry?

Every project is different. After 20 years of being in the industry, there is always a new challenge around the corner.

What one song could be the soundtrack of your life?

What A Wonderful World, by Louis Armstrong

What is the best part about your job?

Interacting and solving problems with people.

What inspires you to work hard?

My family and our future.

Do you have any secret talents or one thing that you are really good at?

I have been told I have a great memory.

Do you have a favorite quote or words to live by?

“I will study and prepare myself, and someday my chance will come.” Abraham Lincoln

“Luck Favors the Prepared” Anonymous

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